Episode 4: Consistency and Creativity with Leah Van Ert

Release Date:

Leah Van Ert is a church secretary by day and a writer, illustrator, and creator by night. Most often, she writes at her blog, My Favorite Adventure, about book recommendations, weekend getaways, daily life, and everything in between. Listen in as we chat with Leah about scheduling time for creativity, the key to being a consistent blogger, and when you’re “allowed” to think of yourself as a creative person.
Here's where to find Leah
Website: www.myfavoriteadventure.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/leahvanert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/leahvanert
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/leahvanert
Here's where to find Ashley
Website: www.brookseditorial.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brookseditorial
Instagram: http://instagram.com/brookseditorial
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/brookseditorial
Here's where to find Abbigail
Website: www.InkwellsandImages.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abbigailekriebs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abbigailekriebs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inkwellsandimages/
Mini Book Club
The Perfectly Imperfect Home: How to Decorate and Live Well by Deborah Needleman
The Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Quotes from the episode

“I schedule a good portion of my day, so I literally will write in my
planner an hour set aside for writing on my blog, or an hour set aside
for doing illustration.” Leah
“I try to do something creative every day, otherwise I start to feel
drained from my day job.” Leah
On blogging consistently: “Being organized helps me out a lot. I find
that when I get in a groove of getting things done ahead of time, that
is definitely helpful with staying consistent.” Leah
“I had people all around me pushing me on, otherwise I probably
would’ve quit [Blogtember] four or five times.” Leah
“I think I don’t feel creative because I don’t want to have to live up
that idea people have of somebody who is creative.” Leah
“There’s this broad spectrum of creativity where some people show
their creativity through problem solving or through improving ideas
that already exist, and some people create from writing on a blank
page or creating something from scratch.” Ashley
“I remember reading once that creativity is just connecting the dots
in a way that they’ve not been connected before. Taking other ideas
and pulling them into your own world and adding to them, I definitely
think that’s a creative way of looking at things.” Abbigail
“Acknowledging that you are a creative person doesn’t necessarily mean
that you need to live up to that standard that everybody else has for
you.” Ashley
“The source of all creativity is the inspiration that’s led us to this
point.” Abbigail

Episode 4: Consistency and Creativity with Leah Van Ert

Episode 4: Consistency and Creativity with Leah Van Ert
Release Date
