Episode 15: Being a Creative Couple with Josh and Stasia Haroldson

Release Date:

We're chatting with creative couple and hosts of the Our First Drink podcast Josh and Stasia Haroldson about what it looks like to be in a creative partnership with your spouse. Join us as we talk about the relationship dynamic that comes from working on a shared project, tips for any creative collaboration, and being yourself on social media.
Here's where you can find Josh and Stasia
Search your favorite podcast app for “Our First Drink” and visit www.ourfirstdrink.com. You can also check out Josh and Stasia on Instagram.
Here’s where to find Abbigail
Website: www.InkwellsandImages.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abbigailekriebs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abbigailekriebs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inkwellsandimages/
Here’s where to find Ashley
Website: www.BrooksEditorial.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brookseditorial
Instagram: http://instagram.com/brookseditorial
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/brookseditorial
Quotes from the episode
“We’re both balancing the podcast with more traditional 9-5 jobs, so it’s been an interesting balance trying to make time for the creative pursuits we have while keeping our careers at the center for us.” --- Stasia
“Is this something you would do even if nobody paid attention to it?” --- Josh
“If it’s a hobby or a creative pursuit, it just needs to be something you would do because you’re compelled to do it, even if no one cared.” --- Josh
“It’s just awesome to have things to look back on that you made that are your own.” --- Josh
“We give the best of ourselves at work. The person we want to spend the most time with and we care the most about doesn’t get to see the best version of ourselves.” --- Josh, quoting Stasia
“That’s the cool thing about podcasting. You get to have these deep conversations.” --- Josh
“Before these couples even get into [their creative project], they recognize their complementary skillsets.” --- Stasia
“If I have to pay taxes to the federal government with anyone, I’m glad it’s with you.” --- Abbie
“The last thing social media should ever be is a point of contention.” --- Josh
On growing an engaged social media following: “Don’t be a jerk.” --- Josh
“By being yourself, you’re more inclined to connect with the people you want to connect with.” --- Stasia
“I just really try to share authentically the stories that I care about.” --- Josh
“I use Instagram as a very curated version of how I see things.” --- Josh
“You Instagram is your space to do what you want with it.” --- Stasia
“Ultimately you have to understand what that means. If being you is that you just want to share what’s important to you, you also have to know that it’s okay if maybe your account doesn’t grow, or maybe you don’t get the same numbers other people do. But that’s okay, because the people that do come through are really quality people in your life.” --- Josh
“I put myself in this box of creative versus not creative. This year, I basically said I’m not going to think of myself this way anymore.” --- Stasia
“I just wanted to let myself out of my internal noncreative box I had put myself in.” --- Stasia
“You almost have to give yourself permission to let yourself explore [your creative passions].” --- Stasia
“Your creativity can look wildly different from someone else’s, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t count or it’s not valid.” --- Ashley
“There were always some topics I never used to write about because I was afraid of what would happen if I did.” --- Abbigail
Mini Book Club
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Will It Fly? by Pat Flynn
A View of the Lake by Beryl Singleton Bissell
The Long-Shining Waters by Danielle Sosin
Roots & Sky by Christie Purifoy
The Anne of Green Gables series

Episode 15: Being a Creative Couple with Josh and Stasia Haroldson

Episode 15: Being a Creative Couple with Josh and Stasia Haroldson
Release Date
