7 Signs A Woman Is Gaslighting and Manipulating You! (EXPOSING Toxic Women)

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Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Signs A Woman Is Gaslighting and Manipulating You! (EXPOSING Toxic Women) Do you feel like you are constantly second-guessing yourself in the relationship?  Do you see that sometimes your partner is always lying and making it sound like you're the crazy one? Suppose you constantly see a pattern of lies and distorted information in the relationship. Then you might be dating a gaslighter. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will explore recognizing signs of gaslighting and manipulation in a relationship, thereby shedding light on toxic dynamics within relationships. Apollonia has seen men fall into the cycle of manipulation by the woman they're dating. She understands how frustrating it can be when you're trying to express your discomfort to your manipulator only to be brought down. However, with Apollonia's guidance, she will provide insights into the concept of gaslighting, defining it as a manipulation tactic that deliberately induces doubt in another's mind, causing them to question their thoughts, feelings, and actions.  These practical examples will help you know how gaslighters often distort or misrepresent situations to suit their agenda, even when the facts contradict their narrative—involving a distorted version of reality implemented on their partner's view of the world. So, if you're struggling with dating a gaslighter, how do you know if you're being manipulated, and how do you get out of one? Then, this is the podcast episode for you!  Key points in this episode: 0:46 - What is gaslighting in the relationship? It's a person who will make you second-guess everything you do. They also try to palpitate or twist a situation to favor themselves even though it's completely wrong and feed you with lies until you are convinced they're right. 1:07 - Apollonia's example of a partner trying to gaslight someone and manipulate them. The person always tells you one thing but does the other; they will try to make you feel bad even though it wasn't your fault. 1:55 - To know a woman is a gaslighter and manipulating you is that she's constantly lying even after being confronted with the truth. Even when confronted with evidence that she was lying, she is so confident in her lies that it makes you second guess. 3:00 - The gaslighter wants the upper hand. She wants control of the situation even though it's her fault. 3:16 - the gaslighter questions your insanity. For example, when you tell a story, she will say how the events didn't happen or comment that your memory is terrible even though it was all true. Again, a gaslighter wants the upper hand in your life. 4:03 - A gaslighter will lower your self-esteem and confidence. When she's constantly telling you, you're wrong and feeding you with her lies. It will make you second guess everything you do in life and friendships and drift away from family. This is dangerous. 4:35 - When she accuses you of behaviors that she's engaging in. If you bring up her toxic behaviors, she will flip the situation, saying that you're the one with the unhealthy behaviors. 5:17 - she will make you rethink your perceptions and memories. Let's say she is flirting or talking to another man; when you express your discomfort, she will blame it on you, saying that you are too flirty with women and possessive. 5:57 - A gaslighter and a manipulator will make you second guess everything, down to everyday activities. 6:38 - Her goal is to make you dependent on her. She will want you to guess everything second so you can rely on them, to the point where you ask them for advice for even the most mundane things. 7:19 - She will try to isolate you. Let's say you have a close friend or family member, and she will start to talk about them in a bad light, making them seem like they don't support you or are bad people. This is a way of her controlling your life. 8:27 - When their actions don't match their words. She is telling you what you want to hear but does nothing. She is a walking contradiction. She will make you doubt your feelings and your sense of reality. 9:31 - The most significant sign is when she plays on your insecurities. When you express your insecurities, she will use that as advance to control your emotions (ex., If you're insecure about your age, she will say things like, "You look good. For your age") "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

7 Signs A Woman Is Gaslighting and Manipulating You! (EXPOSING Toxic Women)

7 Signs A Woman Is Gaslighting and Manipulating You! (EXPOSING Toxic Women)
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