The G2 on 5G Podcast - Ep 95 – Verizon bets on Casa Systems, T-Mobile Continues to dominate 5G speeds, GM deploys Cisco wireless backhaul, OpenRF says devices are coming, Huawei winning 5G and cloud in MENA, Samsung 5G Speeds beat Apple

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The G2 on 5G Podcast – Episode 95 – April 22, 2022In this episode of The G2 on 5G, Anshel and Will Cover:1. Verizon’s $40M bet on Casa Systems (9.9% stake)2. T-Mobile continues to dominate on speeds thanks to its midband deployments3. GM Deploys Cisco wireless backhaul tech for vehicle testing4. OpenRF Association plans to have devices this year?5. Huawei is winning 5G and cloud deals in UAE and Middle East markets - where are the deployments?6. Samsung 5G speeds beat Apple’s Ookla’s Speedtest finds

The G2 on 5G Podcast - Ep 95 – Verizon bets on Casa Systems, T-Mobile Continues to dominate 5G speeds, GM deploys Cisco wireless backhaul, OpenRF says devices are coming, Huawei winning 5G and cloud in MENA, Samsung 5G Speeds beat Apple

The G2 on 5G Podcast - Ep 95 – Verizon bets on Casa Systems, T-Mobile Continues to dominate 5G speeds, GM deploys Cisco wireless backhaul, OpenRF says devices are coming, Huawei winning 5G and cloud in MENA, Samsung 5G Speeds beat Apple
Release Date
