Suing Cesar: Meet the lawyer of teen mauled by Dog Whisperer’s dog. And: How to train 2 dogs at once

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In the summer of 2017, Lidia Matiss, then a high schooler, went to visit her mom at her workplace and, inside the office, was brutally attacked by an off-leash dog. Her mother worked for Cesar's Way, which belongs to Cesar Millan, aka The Dog Whisperer; the dog was Millan's late pit bull, Junior. Annie interviews LA-based lawyer Brian Adesman, who is representing the victim in a suit against Millan, and learns some of the surprising details about the case, including Millan's blaming of the victim and how Queen Latifah's dead dog fits into the picture.  Also, Annie answers a question from a longtime client who wants to know how to go about training a new dog, and her old dog at the same time. She mentions the Revol crate, the Treat and Train, and the Good Dog Training course, all available at For a limited time, we're offering a 30-minute virtual private session when you purchase our Good Dog Training course. Learn more when you do our free and useful 1-hour master class at Have a training question you'd like answered? Submit it at Learn more about Brian Adesman at Like this podcast? Please leave a five-star rating and a review on iTunes!

Suing Cesar: Meet the lawyer of teen mauled by Dog Whisperer’s dog. And: How to train 2 dogs at once

Suing Cesar: Meet the lawyer of teen mauled by Dog Whisperer’s dog. And: How to train 2 dogs at once
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