Lead, Follow, or Get of the Way

Release Date:

Ansa Edim. Did you know we had such a force in our midst? Ansa is a voice of change, the tide that's turning, the "rebel rouser", the person that is singlehandedly rejuvenating the way we think about the workplace and psychological safety.Ansa launched a world changing site called https://ourblacklist.org that allows underrepresented people to share there real, true stories of abuse in the workplace to serve as a beautifully transparent warning to those in the workplace. Ansa is leading the transparency needed that today's workplace is not getting through employee engagement, that toxic leaders are allowed to turn a cheek on and helping people be seen and heard, along with just a little bit of justice.https://ourblacklist.org is a place to share your story, any story of discrimination or abuse - if you think that might be you, it's you. The "list" is at 600 companies and counting, please consider telling your story and getting your voice out there. We need you.You can find Ansa on LinkedIn @ansaedim, Tik Tok @ansa_____ or visit her website at https://ansaedim.com/everythingFollow along with Women Making Moves by hitting follow on your favorite platform and follow on instagram https://instagram.com/women_making_moves_?igshid=MjEwN2IyYWYwYw== and as always you can find Amy and her coaching/marketing business at https://unlockthemagic.org and follow on Instagram https://instagram.com/unlockthemagic_?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== or linked in https://linkedin.com/in/amyponsismagic

Lead, Follow, or Get of the Way

Lead, Follow, or Get of the Way
Release Date
