184// 3 Causes of Interstitial Cystitis: Estrogen Dominance, Mold Toxicity, and SIBO + BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

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Do you think you may have estrogen dominance?Do you have interstitial cystitis and you don't want to be stuck on medications your whole life or in constant pain every time you pee?Do you think or know you have mold toxicity? (Or are wondering - "what the heck? Why should I care about mold toxicity?")Or - do you think or know you have SIBO and are wondering what to do about it?If you said yes to ANY of these - then this episode is for you!In today's episode, I'm answering Allison from the UK's question she submitted to our Ask Allison Program.Her question was all about her interstitial cystitis, estrogen, mold, SIBO, and probiotics. What causes interstitial cystitis? How do you know if you have these things? What lab tests do you do? And if the labs are positive, what do you do about it?I bare all in the super short and condensed episode, so you do NOT want to miss it.If you want to ask ME a question yourself like Alison did, go to betterbellytherapies.com/askallison and submit your question!LASTLY - on this episode, I am sharing a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! 🎉 If you live in Canada, the UK, or Australia OR want to learn how you can get $100 off working with me - this announcement is just for you. I share it right at the beginning, so you cannot miss it!EPISODES MENTIONED:138// 3 Tips to Heal Interstitial Cystitis105// Clear Your UTI’s and Interstitial Cystitis [Detox Pathway #2]LINKS FROM THE SHOW:Have a question you want answered by me? Submit your question to the Ask Allison Program!If this podcast episode made positively impacted you, please leave a Rating and Review for the podcast. It'd mean so much! ❤️WORK 1:1 WITH ME:It's time to make your health EASY! 👉 Join the Better Belly Blueprint today!🎉 BONUS 🎉 Use the code: INTERNATIONAL to get $100 off when you pay in full! (Only until Feb. 8, 2024!)Have Questions? Read our FAQ Section for the Better Belly Blueprint! Or DM me on IG with your question!RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideLINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW →

184// 3 Causes of Interstitial Cystitis: Estrogen Dominance, Mold Toxicity, and SIBO + BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

184// 3 Causes of Interstitial Cystitis: Estrogen Dominance, Mold Toxicity, and SIBO + BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
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