Episode 60: the one about making peace with food

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In this week’s episode, Hannah and Ali talk all things Intuitive Eating principle #3: Make Peace with Food.They are joined by registered dietitian Alissa Rumsey, a nutrition therapist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and the author of Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace With Food and Transform Your Life. Given the title of her book and her expertise in advocating for women to reclaim the space to eat and live unapologetically, Alissa was the perfect person to help answer all your questions about making peace with food. What happens if you can’t trust yourself to have certain foods in the house? Why is it that I’m still so freaked out about bingeing if I’m eating consistently throughout the day? What does it really mean to have “unconditional permission” to eat all food”? Would you say eating fast food every single day because you “feel like it” is intuitive eating? Does unconditional permission ever cross a line that isn’t healthy anymore? How do I begin to start practicing food freedom when the idea of incorporating so many previously off limits foods terrifies me? Making peace with food sounds great in theory but often leaves people stuck in the “how” when their fears come up. Diet culture loves to reinforce the rules and fears around what to eat. In this week’s episode, Hannah, Ali and Alissa go step by step into this important third principle- what it is and how to start making peace with food. Make sure to head over to the @eatcakepod Instagram account Thursdays at 3pm PST for a live support "Snack Time & Chill"- a chance for a supported snack at a physical distance, to ask your nutrition questions and have some laughs along the way.  How to find Alissa Rumsey: www.alissarumsey.com On Instagram @alissarumseyRD The Let Us Eat Cake Podcast has a new home! Make sure to check out the new website http://www.letuseatcakepodcast.com/ for the latest episodes, blog posts and so much more. You can find also Hannah & Ali on Instagram @eatcakepod, on Facebook @Let Us Eat Cake Podcast, and email your questions to eatcakepod@gmail.com If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @eatcakepod. We will be sure to share your comments and big takeaways on Instagram Stories as well. Also, once you've subscribed make sure to give us a review on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, Android, TuneIn, Spotify).  This season focuses on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating created by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. For more information on Intuitive Eating check out https://www.intuitiveeating.org/10-principles-of-intuitive-eating/.  The information presented in this podcast does not replace the individual nutrition recommendations from your health care providers. Visit https://www.dietitians.ca/Your-Health/Find-A-Dietitian/ to find a specialized dietitian in your area.

Episode 60: the one about making peace with food

Episode 60: the one about making peace with food
Release Date
