Hunter McIntyre - Inside the Mind of an Elite Athlete

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This week, I’m excited to welcome Hunter McIntyre to the podcast. Hunter Mcintyre is one of the most decorated multi-sport athletes in history. On top of being a mainstay in the sport of OCR with 6 World Titles, he is a Crossfit games competitor, has the MURPH World Record, the Hyrox World Record and is undefeated on the popular TV show Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge. Join Hunter this year by gaining access to his exact training programs as he attacks his athletic adventures! Questions asked during our conversation: Why do you think that so many people are hard-wired to enjoy punishing workouts/events? What does your pre/post race nutrition look like? What motivates you to find that extra 1% when you’re feeling smashed? This week, I’m excited to welcome Hunter McIntyre to the podcast. Hunter is a professional athlete and fitness trainer who established himself as a dominant force in the world of obstacle course racing and is one of the most decorated multi-sport athletes in history. He brings his magnetic personality to all his fitness endeavors, which has led him to create a variety of online programs, events, and sport specific resources. In this episode, we discuss the mindset, nutrition and recovery strategies he calls upon to ensure that he continues to dominate. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an elite athlete, you’ll definitely get a lot out of this conversation. Over to Hunter. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Hunter McIntyre to the podcast. Hunter, how are you, mate? Hunter 01:35 Fantastic, buddy. I’m actually drinking some protein right now. Stu 01:39 Well, you’re looking cool and we’re going to get into that in just a second. But first up for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you, your work, all the crazy stuff that you do, I’d love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please. Hunter 01:53 Yeah. It’s always tough to do this because you feel like you’re bragging but whatever, I’ll do my best to be without being braggadocios. But I mean, I live in the world of a kind of extreme independent competition, kind of like the X Games version of running and fitness. I don’t do Olympic distance running. I do Tough Mudders and Spartan Races and we travel the globe doing races and HYROXs and CrossFit Games. Whatever you could throw at me, I’ll do, kind of like a hitman for hire. I dropped out on college and I needed to find a way to make money so I loved working out and I realized that you could work out and make money in these sports. And I was like, “All right, I’ll just be a hitman. If you put cash down, I’ll show up and I’ll beat everybody.” So that was kind of my motto and my lifestyle when I was a little bit younger. Obviously. I still love to do that stuff but I’ve kind of transformed my life into being more of a businessman nowadays and I actually spend more time at a desk that you can imagine, sadly. But, trust me, if any of you guys got $100,000 and you’re putting it down to see who is fittest person on earth, I’ll show up and probably cream everybody. For full transcript and interview:

Hunter McIntyre - Inside the Mind of an Elite Athlete

Hunter McIntyre - Inside the Mind of an Elite Athlete
Release Date
