Caspar Szulc - The Next Revolution in Medicine is Here

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This week, I'm excited to welcome Caspar Szulc. Caspar was born in Manhattan, New York, and from an early age, he was exposed to a lifestyle of healthy diet, exercise, and a holistic and spiritual mentality by his father, a pioneer in integrative medicine, and mother, a psychologist. Caspar attended Boston University’s School of Management where he received degrees in Marketing and Finance. He then worked as a financial analyst before starting the venture now known as Innovative Medicine at the age of 22. As President and Co-Founder of Innovative Medicine, Caspar brings a passion and vision that has played a vital role in the growth of the company and world-renowned medical center and breaking into new markets around the globe. His “quality first” approach has helped to set the tone of a company that not only bridges that gap of science and nature but of design and medicine – relentlessly trying to achieve a balance of the two that benefits both practitioner and patient. An avid traveler and explorer, he has visited 6 continents, 57 countries, and all 50 states in the U.S. His search for new therapies, modalities and how other cultures heal continues to take him to new places around the planet. He has applied the knowledge gained from traveling and his unique upbringing to help others achieve a healthier, happier existence. He enjoys mountain climbing (climbed three of the 7 Summits), tennis (attended all 4 Grand Slams), meditation, exotic foods (has eaten giraffe, zebra, tarantula, and rotten shark among other novel foods), and being a Big Brother to a wonderful Little. Caspar now resides in Battery Park City, NYC. Questions we ask in this episode: What are the fundamental problems with conventional medicine? What can we do to safeguard our brains from decline? What can we expect in the future with integrative medicine? This week I'm excited to welcome Caspar Szulc. Casper is the co-founder of Innovative Medicine, a company leading the way with a unique cutting edge and highly effective approach to medicine and health. In this episode, we discuss the fundamental problems with conventional medicine, and explore how a personalize interpretive approach can help push the boundaries of what's possible in healthcare today. Over to Caspar. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I'm delighted to welcome Caspar Szulc to the podcast today. Caspar, how are you? Caspar 01:19 I'm doing well Stu. Thanks for having me. Stu 01:21 No, I really appreciate it. And I've got a whole heap of questions that I'm very keen and eager to get stuck into, but before we do, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd just love it if you could tell us a little bit about yourself please? Caspar 01:37 Sure thing. So I am the co-founder of Innovative Medicine. We're an organization that has been really transforming medicine and how we look at healing for the last 15 years or so. We have a clinical center in New York that sees patients from around the world, and we really are one of the few places that is truly advocating for a personalize and integrative form of medicine that gets at the root causes, and really restores health on all sides, mind, body, spirit. So it's East meets West, meets everything in between. And we're really trying to help patients at that field, they don't have too many options out there to go about it. And in a unique way that gets to those underlying dysfunctions, addresses them with a truly comprehensive approach and gets them back on track for prolonged health. How we should live in our natural state is healthy. And that's what we're aiming to do. For full transcript and interview:  

Caspar Szulc - The Next Revolution in Medicine is Here

Caspar Szulc - The Next Revolution in Medicine is Here
Release Date
