Plate Tectonics (part 1)

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We exhaust our repertoire of tectonic plate jokes while introducing the following topics: the earth’s layers, what are tectonic plates, three types of plate boundaries, plate boundaries vs faults, and how earthquakes happen. This is a brief overview to lay the groundwork. (… pun intended!) Future episodes will dive deeper. INTERACTIVE LESSON We explain how to use the QuakeFeed app to locate plate boundaries and faults on the Quake Map. Download QuakeFeed from the App Store ASK THE SCIENCE KID We answer an interesting question about earthquakes in Antarctica. Our goal is to inspire CURIOSITY! We hope you and your family enjoy our lighthearted humor while learning something new about this AWESOME planet we call home. LINKS TO LEARN MORE The Great ShakeOut: Join 14+ million people on October 21st by practicing how to be safer during earthquakes. IRIS Earthquake Science: Earthquake Faults, Plate Boundaries, & Stress USGS: Do earthquakes occur in Antarctica? USGS: Listening to the Earth at the South Pole (QSPA)

Plate Tectonics (part 1)

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