YST Episode 156 Drafting

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Happy New Year!  It is always full of thoughts and plans for the spinning projects ahead.  In today's podcast I talk about maintaining watch on the drafting zone to make your yarn more intentional. Watching the drafting zone will help you break out of making the same WPI yarn all the time to making art yarns that feature thick and thin singles.  All of this is the topic of this podcast. I have done previous podcasts on drafting if you care to find those and listen to them.  Just click on the links to go to them.  Episode 26 (woolen and worsted spinning) episode 40 (spinning intentional yarn) and episode 67 (woolen spinning). Links to things I also mention in the podcast are: Book of Days, something I came across while looking up distaff day. Fellviewfibres The source of the punis I spun, made from wool and silk. The videos I viewed while researching spinning thick and thin can be found on Youtube by searching the topic.  

YST Episode 156 Drafting

YST Episode 156 Drafting
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