13. Breaking Down Enactments

Release Date:

Breaking Down Enactments 
The focus of this episode is to help...
Participants learn how to utilize enactments in counseling.
Identify the critical points in using enactments as an experiential tool in counseling.
Participants will be able to evaluate their own clinical use of this intervention.

Is it organized and alive in the client?
Assess their experience of reaching/sharing.
Bring the therapist fully into the moment.
Load it with clear simple language that conveys the attachment-related emotions, longings, vulnerability.

During Enactment
Be ready for blocks.
Catch it
Permission for protection/hesitance
Return to enactment
Reset it
You may have to slice it thinner.
Do it!

After the Enactment
Read the traffic lights. (partner's ability to respond)Red: Stop-Something completely blocking the partner from being able to respond
Yellow: Caution-There is a slight bit of mistrust or confusion. May not be able to respond fully.
Green: Go for Bonding Moment-They see it, feel it, and want to bring comfort to it.

Check for a shift in body markers.


13. Breaking Down Enactments

13. Breaking Down Enactments
Release Date
