( Coaches circle ): Dopamine Drug / injuries / Deloads / Motivation

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Today we have a Coaches circle: which is where coaches with hundreds of client transformations Break down best practices over various topics We touch on -Dopamine  the Drug- injuries - Deloads -Motivation Don't Miss it ! ( Cory / Charles ) todays guest  Thanks for tuning in! If you're ready to elevate your fitness journey, let's connect. Follow me on Instagram at @gainwithcain24 for daily doses of inspiration, tips, and exclusive content. If you're looking to transform your life with personalized guidance, my 1-on-1 online coaching is just a click away. : https://form.typeform.com/to/bMV5IOno

( Coaches circle ): Dopamine Drug / injuries / Deloads / Motivation

( Coaches circle ): Dopamine Drug / injuries / Deloads / Motivation
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