How Meteors Impact Us Today (Part 2)

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Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona, just over 30 miles outside of Flagstaff. 
What slammed into what is now part of the Arizona desert to make this giant three-quarter-mile-wide and some 600-feet-deep hole in the ground? Scientists believe the meteor was between 150 and 200 feet wide. 
Earth is impacted routinely by meteors and micrometeors, tens of thousands of tons per year in fact, but thankfully a majority of these are no bigger than a sand grain or fine dust. 
But once in a great while, KABOOM! The Earth gets blasted by a much larger meteor. There are other geological signs of impact craters throughout our planet. Astronomers are working diligently to try and detect what are known as "near-earth asteroids and meteors" before they catch us off guard. 
So how do such wonders point us to the glory of God? How can they remind us of who God us? How do they fit in with our understanding of the heavens that God has created? 
Come and see! 
On part two of our discussion about these enigmatic floating rocks, Wayne and Dan take you around the world to some of the more well-known impact sites and meditate on what we can glean from them about our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Resources for our these episodes on meteors:
Meteorites book: 
Book:  Night Sky with the Naked Eye
Best Meteor Showers in 2021
Meteor in Russia from 2013 - Video

How Meteors Impact Us Today (Part 2)

How Meteors Impact Us Today (Part 2)
Release Date
