Episode 57: – “Make your money matter… a powerful action we can, and should, be taking. Holly McElhone, Make My Money Matter

Release Date:

Less than 10% of the FTSE100 mention sustainable pensions in their sustainable strategies.

We have been supporting and following the work Make My Money Matter do for quite some time now, so we were thrilled to be joined by Holly McElhone to delve a little deeper into the trillions of pounds that are circulating everyday across investments and pensions and to learn more about what business and indeed individuals can do to drive positive change.
Switching to sustainable pension providers can have a massive impact on transitioning to a more sustainable future, but as Holly explains, ‘one of biggest barriers to more organisations getting on board is an awareness issue followed by apathy and the moving of investments being seen as a bit of a ‘hassle. However, greening your pension is TWENTY ONE times more impactful than going veggie, stopping flying and switching to a renewable energy provider’. It’s a no brainer!
Holly believes, “ESG isn’t an option, it’s not a nice to have, it should be across your whole portfolio and your default investment funds should be sustainable. As we look to transition, fossil fuels will become a stranded asset.”
During the conversation we explore how to communicate more effectively, Holly explains, ‘firstly, we need more choice, better communication and jargon needs to be removed to make way for more action’. Then there is a need to consider the different audiences we have, making the story relatable and using influential people to raise awareness. Holly talks about the campaigns Make My Money Matter have rolled out (see show notes for links), all designed to educate, raise awareness and encourage action through simplifying the message.
We also discuss how collaboration is critical to progress, with Make My Money Matter approaching and working with individuals, influential figures from their founder Richard Curtis, actor Emma Thompson through to climate leaders such as Christiana Figueres, and then Government focusing on policy and regulation.
This episode has something for everyone and if there is one message we ask our listeners to take, it’s go to Make My Money Matter’s website, find your pension fund (it takes a couple of clicks) and ask them in an email to make sure they are committed to Net Zero. Holly explains that currently the infrastructure can’t support a mass ‘switch’, the power begins with getting the providers onboard to ensure the infrastructure is in place as soon as possible. The investment figures you’ll hear are eye-watering!
Some action steps for listeners:

Write to the CEOs of the Big Five UK high street banks and ask them to stop financing new oil, gas and coal projects – it’s just two clicks. https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/openletter/

Contact your pension provider and ask them to drive real climate action – it’s just two clicks. https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/21x/

Sign their petition calling on UK pension schemes to commit to tackling deforestationhttps://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/what-is-your-pension-paying-for/

 Make My Money Matter can’t give financial advice – however individuals who would like to make a more immediate change and switch can find some great guides over at Good with Money.

Top 9 ethical funds - https://good-with-money.com/2023/05/12/top-9-ethical-pension-funds/#:~:text=Top%20performers%20with%20strong%20sustainable,the%20Pictet%20Multi%2DAsset%20Portfolio.

You can also look to switch to a bank that doesn’t finance the fossil fuel industry – of which there are a select few already out there!

You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.
Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

Episode 57: – “Make your money matter… a powerful action we can, and should, be taking. Holly McElhone, Make My Money Matter

Episode 57: – “Make your money matter… a powerful action we can, and should, be taking. Holly McElhone, Make My Money Matter
Release Date
