something is easy todo/hard to do

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In this lesson, I will introduce you how to describe something is easy to do or hard to do by using やすい and にくい.
When やすい follows the verb stem, you can describe something is easy to do.
When にくい follows the verb stem, you can describe something is hard to do.

<Example Sentences>
この ぎゅうにく は やわらかいので、たべやすいです。
Because this beef is tender, it is easy to eat.
この ぎゅうにく は かたいので、たべにくいです。
Because this beef is tough, it is hard to eat.

この スマホ は つかいやすいです。
This smartphone is easy to use.
この スマホ は つかいにくいです。
This smartphone is hard to use.

とうきょう は すみやすいです。
Tokyo is livable.
とうきょう は すみにくいです。
Tokyo is not livable.

How to explain the reason using ので


something is easy todo/hard to do

something is easy todo/hard to do
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