4.17.24 Washington Wednesday, World Tour, and sharing hope in Ukraine

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On Washington Wednesday, the delay of impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden; on World Tour, news from Nigeria, Indonesia, the European Union, and China; and a Ukrainian pastor shares housing, hope and the gospel in the midst of war. Plus, a diamond lost in the dough, Janie B. Cheaney’s advice to graduates, and the Wednesday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate.Additional support comes from Compelled Podcast. Troy Gause thought he was invincible until he was shot, paralyzed, and in prison, where he heard a still, small voice. Episode 77 at CompelledPodcast.com.From Ambassadors Impact Network. Unlocking the power of faith-based financing for your startup. More at ambassadorsimpact.comAnd from Cedarville University, offering in-person and online undergraduate, graduate, and dual enrollment programs, taught with academic excellence and a biblical worldview. cedarville.edu/WORLD.

4.17.24 Washington Wednesday, World Tour, and sharing hope in Ukraine

4.17.24 Washington Wednesday, World Tour, and sharing hope in Ukraine
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