Episode 155 – Arrive and Thrive: Impactful Leadership Practices

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The podcast by project managers for project managers. How to flourish in your leadership role as your best self, inspire excellence in your team, and lead a highly fulfilled life.  “Arriving” is everything required to get into a position, but to stay successful, it is necessary to embrace the skills needed to “thrive” in that position. Listen in for useful advice on how to Arrive and Thrive and succeed in your leadership role.

Table of Contents

01:47 … Arrive and Thrive - The Book04:15 … Who Should Read this Book?04:38 … Co-authors and Collaborations05:54 … Skills to Thrive08:36 … The Harsh Inner Critic11:29 … The Self-Centering Practice15:19 … Thriving and Combating Systemic Barriers19:53 … Lead with Our Best Self22:37 … Cultivating Courage25:16 … Instill Courage in Others27:18 … Becoming More Self-Aware29:34 … Reflective Sense-Making31:44 … Susan’s Lessons Learned33:56 … Get in Touch with Susan34:57 … Closing

SUSAN MACKENTY BRADY:  ... we can’t control and change other people.  It’s annoying, but it’s true.  People don’t like to be controlled.  But we can make choices about how we show up.  So what we want to do is we want to narrow the gap between the time we are triggered and the time we react, enough to take pause between stimulus and response.  That’s it. 

WENDY GROUNDS:  Welcome to Manage This.  This is the podcast by project managers for project managers. I’m Wendy Grounds, and with me in the studio is Bill Yates. 

BILL YATES:  Yes.  Our guest is Susan Mackenty Brady.  She is the Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Chair for Women and Leadership at Simmons University, and the first Chief Executive Officer of the Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership.  As a relationship expert, leadership well-being coach, author and speaker, our guest Susan educates leaders and executives globally on fostering self-awareness for optimal leadership.

WENDY GROUNDS:  The reason we’re talking to Susan today is she has sent us a book called “Arrive and Thrive:  7 Impactful Practices for Women Navigating Leadership,” which she has co-authored with Janet Foutty and Lynn Perry Wooten.  You know, women who arrive at the top should be able to thrive at the top.  There’s a lot of talk about how to get there.  But then once you get there, are you just surviving, or are you thriving in those positions as women in leadership?  And so we hope that this is going to be a really helpful book and a helpful conversation to women who are project managers and trying to figure out how to flourish in leadership roles today.

BILL YATES: Yeah, I can attest.  There’s great value in this book, regardless of male or female.

WENDY GROUNDS: Susan, welcome to Manage This.  Thank you so much for being our guest.

SUSAN MACKENTY BRADY:  Thank you for having me.

Arrive and Thrive - The Book

WENDY GROUNDS:  Yeah, we’re excited to talk about this book. To start off, won’t you tell us why you wrote this book?

SUSAN MACKENTY BRADY:  You know, there’s two answers to that question.  You want both?  There’s first a real answer about how it came to be, which was because I am not an academic.  I have been in business and specifically in leadership development.  I’ve been a student and teacher of leadership since I can recall.  I’ve a Master’s in Behavioral Science and Leadership Education.  And I have to say, when I came to Simmons University and was awarded the endowed chair, it’s the Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Chair for Women in Leadership, my first question is what does one do to be worthy of an endowed chair in an academic environment?  Because I actually didn’t know that non-PhDs were awarded chairs.  Apparently it’s more common than we know.

But my answer was whatever you want it to be. So it was actually around a talking circle with two senior partners from Deloitte and the current President of the University, who awarded me the chair.  And we’re all C-level.  We’ve run organizations.  We’ve run business units,

Episode 155 – Arrive and Thrive: Impactful Leadership Practices

Episode 155 – Arrive and Thrive: Impactful Leadership Practices
Release Date
