Purim In A Post-10/7 World

Release Date:

Right after 10/7, public intellectual Micha Goodman wrote, “We weren't attacked by a local militia. We were attacked by the Persian Empire. We were attacked by Iran.” Sound familiar? Maybe eerily like the Purim story? This week, Mijal and Noam reflect on the upcoming holiday of Purim and ask, how are we thinking about the holiday differently in the post-10/7 world?
Micha Goodman reflections, post-10/7
Megillat Esther - full text
Meir Buzaglo and Tikun
Midrash Tannaim on Amalek and tunnels
Matanot l'evyonim resources:
1. OurMishpacha
2. Leket Israel
3. JLIC Tel Aviv
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Purim In A Post-10/7 World

Purim In A Post-10/7 World
Release Date
