Manborg (2011)

Release Date:⁠
Once again, it is “No Theme November” here at Catching Up On Cinema!
We'll be reviewing whatever the f*ck we want for the next 4 weeks, so expect little to no consistency between picks this month.
This week, Trevor conducts a solo review of Steven Kostanski's, Manborg (2011)!
Reportedly shot in director Kostanski's garage and produced for $1000 CAD, Manborg (2011) is a charming low budget sci-fi film, packed to the brim with imaginative and resourceful special effects.
While the film's presentation is occasionally rough, largely coming in the form of less than perfect chroma key effects, to this reviewer it in no way effected its entertainment value.
Chock full of references to shlock cinema, perhaps most notably Eliminators (1986), a film which featured a “Mandroid” fighting alongside a team of martial artists, Manborg carries the delightful vibe of an ambitious film, produced with the intent of cramming in all of the director's favorite things onto a single canvas.
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Manborg (2011)

Manborg (2011)
Release Date
