07 | Is Paper A Problem? Simple Solutions to Reduce and Organize Paper and Emails in Your Office and Home

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Hey Friend,

Does this sound familiar?
You’ve been trying to tackle the paper clutter in your home or office, but no matter how much you try, it just keeps piling up.
You've been told to simply throw everything away, but that just leaves you feeling overwhelmed and anxious, not to mention the guilt of potentially throwing away something you might want in the future.
It's time to stop the cycle of ineffective paper solutions and start implementing strategies that work. Join me in this episode as I compare show you how paper is like a river and share action steps that will help you reduce paper coming into your home.
Finally, get a handle on paper in your home and your office so you can increase productivity and focus, and stop all the mind drama!

In this episode, you will:

Identify the sources of paper coming into your home and office.
Envision paper like a river and picture it flowing through your home and eventually LEAVING.
Realize the significance of shedding unnecessary paper for a stress-free, uncluttered atmosphere.
Acquire specific tools to opt out of unwanted mail and email subscriptions easily.
Leave with a plan of action to implement immediately.

Your Reducing Paper Expert,
Tracy Hoth
"The main goal with paper is to GET RID OF IT. Ask, "How can I get rid of this? Where can I get rid of it? How can I let it go? How can I not even have it come in?" - Tracy Hoth
Click here for the full transcript, notes, links, and more.
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07 | Is Paper A Problem? Simple Solutions to Reduce and Organize Paper and Emails in Your Office and Home

07 | Is Paper A Problem? Simple Solutions to Reduce and Organize Paper and Emails in Your Office and Home
Release Date
