How to Be in the Top 1% of Earners – In Just 7 Minutes with Doug C. Brown

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Enhance your marketing methods to ensure sustainability and long-term results rather than short-term ones
Discover why you should always ask for help, especially when growing your business
Find out the importance of chasing which sales are worth chasing and which ones are not


Want to know what’s stopping you from getting more sales? Click here:


Do you want to know how you can turn your sales desires into business realities by chasing the right sales?

Not all sales are worth chasing, and not all things are meant to be done alone. To grow your business and increase your stream of sales (A.K.A. be a part of the top 1% of earners), it’s crucial to know the importance of asking for help or others’ opinions and investing your time into the right things!

Doug C. Brown is the CEO of CEO Sales Strategies. He is the international best-selling author of the book, Win-Win Selling: Unlocking Your Power for Profitability by Resolving Objections. He is also a nationally recognized sales revenue growth expert and consultant.

Grab a drink and listen to Doug and his life-changing advice on how you can become part of the top 1% of earners just through the power of honesty and investing your time into the right things.

Check out these episode highlights:

01:21 - Doug’s ideal client: So my ideal client is somebody who's selling, normally a business coach, business consultant, salesperson, solo business owner, or people who even have sales teams.
02:01 - The problem he helps solve: I think the challenge for these people is they have the desire but don't have the skills and knowledge how to navigate their sales processes and sales in general. So they can't be in the top 1%.
02:48 - The symptoms of the problem: Well, the typical symptoms, frankly, all boil down to they're not getting the right results for themselves. And they're working way too many hours. They're frustrated.
04:44 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Doug: I think basically, well, they're trying to think that they can accomplish everything in a two-day book or seminar, right? So when they're trying to learn these types of skills, they're trying to do them in a vacuum.
06:05 - Doug’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Well, I think the first thing is to start with an assessment of self-honesty, assessment, right? So what do you really want? You know, a lot of people are chasing sales, and they're not sure why they're even doing it.
06:56 - Doug’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know what’s stopping you from getting more sales? Click here:
07:27 - Q: What keeps people stuck from making the money they pursue? A: They think they're in their business and what they're in, they need to be in this client acquisition vs their own service business.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“There is a reason that people are in the top 1% vs people who are not, and that really comes down to whether we are being truthful with our goals.” -Doug C. BrownClick To Tweet

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I'm Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Doug C. Brown. Doug, good day from Down Under. Sir, where are you hanging out? Where are you based?

Doug C. Brown 00:21
We are in New Hampshire in the United States and good day to you too!

Tom Poland 00:25
Folks, if you don't know Doug, he's the CEO of CEO Sales Strategies. He's also an international best-selling author of the book, Win-Win Selling, which is music to my ears, and the subtitle of Win-Win Selling is "Unlocking Your Power for Prof...

How to Be in the Top 1% of Earners – In Just 7 Minutes with Doug C. Brown

How to Be in the Top 1% of Earners – In Just 7 Minutes with Doug C. Brown
Release Date
