Fixing Your Firefighter Management Problem: How to Break the Habit & Get Back to Doing the Work That Really Matters – In Just 7 Minutes with Alecia Huck

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Discover why it’s not a people issue but rather an infrastructure issue
Learn how you can break out of that firefighting and do solutions that would actually work while growing
Understand why hiring more, spending more, and working longer hours isn’t the right answer to your problem


To get more FREE awesome insights on how to keep winning while growing, click here:


Do you feel like nothing is just ever working especially when your business is growing? Do you want to save yourself some time and money and find the best solution for this?

Management isn’t all about training, hiring, and managing employees, it's also about looking into the structure of the business. It’s not always about the people, sometimes it's about the infrastructure.

Alecia Huck is the founder of MAVERICK & Company and specializes in developing leadership teams and helping them spend less time-fighting fires and more time building what matters.

Listen to what Alecia has to share on how you can spend less time, stress, and money on your management problem by diving deeper into your systems through her life-changing reflection and tips.

Check out these episode highlights:

01:44 - Alecia’s ideal client: Typically, the people that I work with. My specialty is going to be the executive teams of fast-growing companies. And those are typically between $5 and $75 million.
02:40 - The problem she helps solve: So a lot of people start a company. You work really, really hard, right? You grow. And that's what you want-- both in size and, hopefully, in profit. And then one day, things just don't work the same way.
04:04 - The symptoms of the problem: So you guys are gonna love this because you can't just say it's a certain revenue mark, and there's no number of employees-- it just varies too much from industry to industry. But there are five really good, reliable signals, right?
05:44 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Alecia: They're going to think you can hire their way out of it. Right? I'll just get more people. They can add more cooks to their kitchen without better systems. And they'll spend money on things like software, right?
06:41 - Alecia’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): So if you want to break out of that firefighting, where you're just running around solving problems, here's what I want you to do. It's really super sophisticated. See this? Get a sheet of paper out. Write good on it.
07:20 - Alecia’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE awesome insights on how to keep winning while growing, click here:
08:15 - Q: What do I want people to know? A: You don't have to be somebody you're not in order to win. You don't have to have a room full of binders. You don't have to sell your soul. You can win as you.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“You don't have to be somebody you're not in order to win. You can win as you.” -Alecia HuckClick To Tweet

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
A very warm welcome folks to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. We're gonna have fun today. I'm joined today by Alecia Huck who is just a fun and interesting person and is one of the most intimidatingly organized people on the planet. She even has QR codes for things. I mean- it's just, yeah. And she's got one right there, see! She's, for those of you who don't know. Alecia, good day! A very warm welcome for Down Under, by the way. Where are you hanging out?

Alecia Huck 00:36
At Denver, Colorado! It's a beautiful, perfect fall day as we record this.

Tom Poland 00:40

Fixing Your Firefighter Management Problem: How to Break the Habit & Get Back to Doing the Work That Really Matters – In Just 7 Minutes with Alecia Huck

Fixing Your Firefighter Management Problem: How to Break the Habit & Get Back to Doing the Work That Really Matters – In Just 7 Minutes with Alecia Huck
Release Date
