Ep. 15 - Responsible Citizens

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Episode 15 - Responsible Citizens Show Notes Why does it feel strange when brands speak ethically? Uber Mural IBM's Thomas Watson Jr.: "Good design is good business" Uncanny valley Susan Sontag "Against Interpretation" Yasujiro Ozu Filmmaker Big Bird Carroll Spinney, Big Bird puppeteer Hans Vaihinger philosophy of "as if" Hegel and dialectical logic "Citizen Verizon" platform Lyft voter initiative "We have met the enemy and he is us" Heidegger and resoluteness "First things first" manifesto Send your ideas to hello@brandbox.show SVA Masters In Branding Online Open House Please subscribe and review BrandBox on Apple Podcasts and consider hitting the Donate button on BrandBox.show! Don’t forget to submit your questions, comments, and ideas for future episodes of BrandBox to hello@brandbox.show Thanks for your support!

Ep. 15 - Responsible Citizens

Ep. 15 - Responsible Citizens
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