376: Oregon Coast Remix Takeaways

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The remix is in the rear view mirror, but as always I like to look back and discuss takeaways from every trip. On this edition, ten takeaways from the Oregon Coast Remix, celebrating ten years of the pod! Oregon Coast Remix Takeaways Don’t Rush Tent Setup: I experienced a rough night at Bastendorf Beach County Campground due to improper tent setup. I had to get out of the tent at 12:30 AM to stake it properly, improving airflow and reducing internal condensation, which kept me awake as large drops of water hit my forehead. Every Trip Is Unique: James and I reflected on how each of our trips along the Oregon Coast differed. For example, I noted that every time I rode the coast, I used a different bike or setup, which made each journey distinct and memorable. Critical Importance of Food and Hydration: I discovered that my difficulties during the ride were due to dehydration, which affected my overall well-being. I shifted my focus from electrolytes to drinking more regular water, especially after noticing that my urine color indicated dehydration. Also, snacks like frosted mini-wheats helped manage my energy levels. Oregon Coast Weather’s Dual Role: The Oregon Coast’s weather was both a blessing and a challenge. For instance, while the cool, cloudy weather made for pleasant riding, the sudden appearance of the sun during our ride to Sunset Bay increased the difficulty, especially on long climbs. Companionship on the Road: I noted that riding with James added a positive social element to the trip. Despite generally preferring to ride solo, I found it enjoyable to share the experience and have someone to talk to about various topics along the way. Campground Upgrades: We stayed at a variety of campgrounds, each with different amenities. For instance, we found the new hiker-biker campsite at Jesse M. Honeyman State Park to be an improvement over previous experiences, with brand new facilities, flat tent sites, and a charging station. The Value of Good Sleep: At Honeyman State Park, despite the riding challenges, I noted how a good night’s sleep helped me recover, emphasizing how crucial rest is for endurance on multi-day tours. Adaptability to Changing Plans: The trip required constant adaptation, such as when we chose to stay at Bastendorf Beach County Park instead of Sunset Bay. This change was partly due to past negative experiences at Sunset Bay and partly because we discovered Bastendorf had amenities we preferred. Maintaining a Positive Attitude: Despite the physical and logistical challenges, James and I remained positive, often joking about the difficulties and focusing on the highlights of the trip, such as the beautiful weather and the enjoyable ride through Bandon. Where Are the Cyclists?: James and I are still pretty puzzled about the lack of cyclist encounters on the entire ride. We talked about some of the theories, but none of them alone explain it. Having the camps to ourselves was great but if there’s lower demand will the amenities go away? Programming note! Lael! Next week we enter a new era in bike adventures… remember that ebike project? Let’s just say things escalated and you get to join me in the process! Also… we have two more bicycle adventures left this year alone and planning for the winter trip in early 2025 is locked in. Lots more to come!

376: Oregon Coast Remix Takeaways

376: Oregon Coast Remix Takeaways
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