367: C&O But Slow - Part 4

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After a rejuvenating zero day to avoid the storms, I had one more day of road riding to catch my train. A familiar route, but not exactly one with mindfulness paid to bikes. Would I catch the train home? Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Quick housekeeping if you missed last episode’s live show news… I’m off to Oregon for the 10th anniversary tour: Oregon Coast Remixed! We’ll pivot right into that as soon as we wrap up the C&O But Slow over the next few weeks, so stay tuned. Also another shout to Lael Wilcox’s pod… her adventure around the world continues so make sure you follow along Lael Rides Around the World wherever you get this pod. Unless you get it off my website, in which case go google hers ;) C&O But Slow - Part 4 Introduction Good morning from the cabin. Discussion about the day’s ride and weather conditions. Reflection on the decision to take a zero day due to bad weather. Travel Plans and Preparations Route description: predominantly downhill, then uphill, and flat sections. Mention of carrying less load compared to previous rides. Discussion on the necessity of taking the garbage to remote bins. Weather conditions: cold, layering up, and safety measures with lighting on the bike. Highlighting areas of exposure to highways and the importance of planning the ride to avoid rush. On the Road Experiences Initial thoughts after starting the ride and adjusting clothing layers. Navigating roads and using Google Maps for routing, challenges with algorithm recommendations. Encounter with the lowest elevation point near Back Creek and the difficulties with uphill rides. Discussion about the upcoming route, including passing the county landfill and Ridge Road’s rollercoaster-like terrain. Mid-Ride Reflections Break to consume snacks and hydrate, reflection on time management for the ride. Encounter with local traffic and the need for careful navigation on Ridge Road. Challenges with the bike's mid gears and potential need for maintenance. Final Leg of the Journey Detailed description of the last few miles and final crossing of Highway 9. Observations on new constructions and reflections on the local area’s development. Final thoughts on the ride, considering an e-bike for future trips for efficiency. Nearing the train station, managing time well and cooling down after the ride. Arrival at Martinsburg Train Station Reflection on the ease of the final stretch and the efficiency of the route taken. Thoughts on Martinsburg’s potential and current state, including commuter resources. Preparing for the train ride back, discussion on local transit options and their effectiveness. Return to DC Arrival in DC, reflection on the overall trip and its unexpected developments. Observations on local cycling culture and the changes seen in the area. Mention of upcoming episodes and future plans for spring and summer. Statistics Miles biked 20.1 Trains taken 1 Bars eaten 2 Celebratory train beers 1 Flats 0

367: C&O But Slow - Part 4

367: C&O But Slow - Part 4
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