Messages of Love and Healing with Lukas Gage and his Mom, Paulina

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In this episode, we explore the deep spiritual connections between special guest Lukas Gage, his mother Paulina, and their departed loved ones. Lukas, who is notably empathic, receives heartfelt messages from his grandmother, who encourages him to let go of regrets and cherish her memory as vibrant and healthy. This reading also brings a touching moment when Lukas's friend, who passed unexpectedly and was like a sister to him, steps forward to reaffirm their sibling-like bond.

Theresa provides comfort and validation, acknowledging Lukas’s vivid dream and spiritual experiences. Spirit also helps Paulina address unresolved guilt with family members who have passed, using personal mementos and symbols like butterflies to signify the ongoing presence of their loved ones.

This reading, filled with emotional validations and advice for healing, brings promise of further spiritual connections throughout their lives, promising to guide Lukas and Paulina toward peace and self-acceptance.

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Messages of Love and Healing with Lukas Gage and his Mom, Paulina

Denise's Journey of Love and Letting Go
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