Strengthening Core Disciplines with Shauna Noonan

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"From the beginning, SPE has focused on knowledge dissemination in four fundamental areas, which I refer to as the core disciplines: drilling, completions, reservoir (including geosciences), and production operations. These disciplines make up the bulk of coursework in most petroleum engineering degree programs, as well as the content of the SPE Petroleum Engineering Certification test. Still today, most of our members can identify themselves as being either a drilling, completions, reservoir, or production engineer." In this episode, Shauna Noonan discusses strengthening core disciplines.
Each month, Shauna joins The SPE Podcast to discuss her President's Column and to share her SPE journey. We'll end each of these podcasts asking the audience an interactive question.
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More from Shauna Noonan (Twitter @shauna_noonan)
Strengthening Our Core Disciplines 
SPE Staying Strong

There Is No Silver Bullet: Strengthening the Fundamentals

Strengthening Knowledge Transfer in Unconventional Resources

The Influential Yet Delicate Balance of Mentoring

Strengthening the Feedstock of Incoming Talent for the Oil and Gas Industry

Strengthening the Tools and Methods We Use To Disseminate Knowledge to Members

Strengthening the Quality of SPE's Technical Content
Reinforcing Core Strengths, Delivering Membership Value
Q&A With 2020 SPE President Shauna Noonan

2020 SPE President Promises to Focus on Strengthening Organization’s Engineering Core
From Shauna's June President's Column:
As we continue to expand and welcome more disciplines, we must ensure that we do not dilute the offerings and erode the value of being an SPE member for those in our core disciplines. At the same time, we need to ensure that these offerings are easily accessible, as many of these members work at field locations.


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Strengthening Core Disciplines with Shauna Noonan

Strengthening Core Disciplines with Shauna Noonan
Release Date
