EP 066: Light & Digestion: How Regulated Circadian Rhythms Heal The Gut

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“We are in a perpetual state of jet lag these days, simply because we don’t know what time of day it is.”
Carrie Bennett returns to the Quantum Biology Collective Podcast to discuss the importance of regulating circadian rhythms as a means to healing the gut. Every task in the body is timed to a vibrating central oscillator which acts like an internal metronome. When these vibrations are thrown into chaos–when we don’t get enough natural light, when we are exposed to our screens first thing in the morning and well past sunset—these systems are dysregulated resulting in inflammation.
While current protocol focuses on food and supplements, food is about more than providing nutrients. It’s meant to deliver information to the gut microbiome and the mitochondria about the time of year in our immediate environment. By eating out of season, we further confuse our systems and further inflame the gut. 
Through sufficient light exposure, Carrie has witnessed even the most extreme cases of IBS and other gut-based issues healed within very short periods of time. She describes the way she lets in the good light and keeps out the bad light throughout her typical day. She explains the importance of blue-blocking glasses, a calm parasympathetic nervous system, and why saying a prayer of gratitude before eating is a practice rooted in science. 
If you’ve tried all the other methods and have yet to restore your gut health, join today’s conversation. Carrie will explain the importance of grounding, of getting sunlight on your abdomen and just how important melatonin is to healing. 

“Food is two things in my opinion: Food is nutrients. Certainly, we need nutrients. There are building blocks and vitamins and minerals and co-factors and phyo-enzymes and nutrients that we need to support our overall health. So, that’s great, we do need nutrients. But, we also have to recognize that food is information about our environment.” (12:55 | Carrie Bennett)
“The only way that the gut can actually heal and regenerate a new lining is when it knows that it’s darkness. That is when tissue regeneration and cell division turns on. So, at night, the brain has to recognize darkness to literally signal tissue regeneration in the gut. And if it doesn’t, that night, that gut’s not getting repaired.” (20:55 | Carrie Bennett) 
“Those electrons from the earth act as antioxidants. They are nature’s perfect antioxidants because they go anywhere they’re needed and they can immediately start to calm these inflammatory cascades.” (38:55 | Carrie Bennett)

Connect with Carrie Bennett:
Follow Carrie on IG: @carriebwellness
To join Carrie's Circadian Spring Reset Challenge: https://www.carriebwellness.com/2024-spring-challenge
Carrie's Gut Healing Webinar: https://www.carriebwellness.com/a/2147532122/Yy9ZsjZN

To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb
To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org
To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com
Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

EP 066: Light & Digestion: How Regulated Circadian Rhythms Heal The Gut

EP 066: Light & Digestion: How Regulated Circadian Rhythms Heal The Gut
Release Date
