EP 060: How To Read The Energy of The Body with Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter

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“What medical intuitives have been doing naturally for centuries is now being studied and corroborated by Science,” says Wendie Colter, a pioneering medical intuitive and founder of The Practical Path. The Practical Path is a school that certifies medical intuitives. On this episode of The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast, host Meredith Oke, and Wendie Colter explain and discuss the intricacies and practical applications of medical intuition, a field that harmonizes energetic assessment with traditional medicine.
So what is medical intuition? Wendie Colter explains it’s not just an intuitive practice; it's an in-depth energetic evaluation of the physical body and the biofield, considering emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of illness. Wendie has not only established credibility in this field through her certification program but also substantiated its efficacy with compelling research.
Meredith and Wendie address the skepticism often associated with medical intuition, clarifying its distinction from psychic readings and shamanism. It's a method grounded in visualizing the body's physiological and anatomical nuances to identify imbalances and their roots, complementing rather than replacing medical care.
Wendie shares the journey behind becoming a medical intuitive, highlighting the thorough training required and dispelling the myth that it's an innate gift reserved for a few. They also discuss the critical role of ethics and standardized practices in the realm of intuitive healing.
This episode invites listeners to consider the broader spectrum of health understanding, positioning medical intuition as a valuable asset in enriching patient outcomes and expanding the horizons of healthcare practices.
The cells have their own perspectives, the organs, the systems. And so I want to know what's going on there, where are things out of balance and how it can be balanced. That's the first thing because that's what people come to a medical intuitive for is what's going on for me, you know, physically, what's going on for my health. And so that's where I'll start. And I'll do a broad overview scan, and I'll do a deeper scan. And I'll get information for my client about that. And that's the first step and that takes probably half the session or more and that's really the crux of medical intuition. Now I want to find out why it's there. What's going on? What caused it? Because when you think about it from the energetic perspective or the quantum even perspective, something starts somewhere and then is manifested.” (18:05 | Wendie Colter) 
“The way I describe the education that I teach is that you are going to be learning to work a new muscle. Intuition is natural, just like dancing is natural. You may want to just get up and move your body, but if you want to learn to be a dancer, there's rigor and practice and you learn skills. Well, intuition is the same way. If you want to learn my practice, there's a learning curve.” (26:06 | Wendie Colter) 
“We want to see medical intuitives working with doctors, working in the clinical environment, being part of the team, the healthcare team, because of the value that we know we bring.” (42:50 | Wendie Colter) 

Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness
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EP 060: How To Read The Energy of The Body with Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter

EP 060: How To Read The Energy of The Body with Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter
Release Date
