Let’s Talk General Studies (Feat. Rabbi Avraham Glustein and Rabbi Dov Portwicz)

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On this episode, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss a hot topic in boys chinuch: The role and importance of general studies in cheder and elementary schools. They discuss the challenges yeshivos face in implementing (and staffing) a general studies curriculum that is valued by students and parents. 
Also: What is the best way to work with a stubborn or rigid child? 
And the Big Question: Our son is very bright and a metzuyan in yeshiva, so why isn't he learning more than the basic secular subjects?

Let’s Talk General Studies (Feat. Rabbi Avraham Glustein and Rabbi Dov Portwicz)

Let’s Talk General Studies (Feat. Rabbi Avraham Glustein and Rabbi Dov Portwicz)
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