Kara Hanson and Michael Makanga on equitable research funding in global health

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Zoë Mullan talks to Prof Kara Hanson of the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Research and Dr Michael Makanga of the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership on funding for research involving collaborators in the Global North and Global South and how it can be made more equitable.Visit The Lancet Global Health at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/homeContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...https://twitter.com/thelancethttps://instagram.com/thelancetgrouphttps://facebook.com/thelancetmedicaljournalhttps://linkedIn.com/company/the-lancethttps://youtube.com/thelancettv

Kara Hanson and Michael Makanga on equitable research funding in global health

Kara Hanson and Michael Makanga on equitable research funding in global health
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