50. What to Expect When Your Puppy Turns into a Teenager

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Puppies are adorable, and it's no wonder that so many people choose to get one. However, many people don't realize that puppies grow up and can be in for a surprise when their puppy turns into a teenager. Just like human teenagers, dogs go through a difficult period where they are testing boundaries and trying to figure out who they are. This can be a challenging time for both dog and owner. This podcast and blog post will discuss what to expect when your puppy becomes a teenager. We'll give you tips on handling the changes your dog is going through and how to help them adjust to their new stage of life!

When does adolescence start in dogs?
The changes that take place in a dog's body when they turn into teenagers
The challenges that come with this period of development
How to handle these challenges
What to do if things get difficult
Top Tips for helping your dog adjust to their new stage of life

50. What to Expect When Your Puppy Turns into a Teenager

50. What to Expect When Your Puppy Turns into a Teenager
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