UN Claims We Own The Science – In The Tank, ep367

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The Heartland Institute's Donald Kendal, Justin Haskins, and Chris Talgo present episode 367 of the In The Tank Podcast. At a recent World Economic Forum event, a representative from the United Nations boasted about working with Google to ensure THEIR information came up first when searching "Climate Change." In her words, "we own the science." Also, It appears as though the concept of a Universal Basic Income is becoming mainstream. PRIMARY TOPIC – “WE OWN THE SCIENCE”WEF - Tackling disinformation - how can we combat the lies that go viral? https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/tackling-disinformation-agenda-dialogues/National Review - U.N. Communications Official Touts Google Search Partnership: ‘We Own the Science’ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/u-n-communications-official-touts-google-search-partnership-we-own-the-science/The Epoch Times - United Nations Now Claims to ‘Own the Science’ https://www.theepochtimes.com/united-nations-now-claims-to-own-the-science_4774791.htmlSociable - ‘We own the science & the world should know it’: UN rep to WEF disinformation panel https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/we-own-science-world-should-know-un-wef-disinformation/Team Halo https://teamhalo.org/ SECONDARY TOPIC – ARE UBIs ENTERING THE MAINSTREAM?Business Insider - Applications have opened for a huge new guaranteed-income pilot in Illinois that officials say is the biggest program of its kind https://www.businessinsider.com/illinois-guaranteed-income-pilot-scheme-cook-county-chicago-ubi-money-2022-10Government Tech - Cook County Launches Guaranteed Income Pilot With Help from Tech https://www.govtech.com/health/cook-county-launches-guaranteed-income-pilot-with-help-from-techThe Center Square - Critics say New Orleans guaranteed income program won't produce hoped-for outcomes https://www.thecentersquare.com/louisiana/critics-say-new-orleans-guaranteed-income-program-wont-produce-hoped-for-outcomes/article_8b80d1de-cfda-11ec-98e7-57a5d37169d6.htmlMashable - Every U.S. city testing free money programs https://mashable.com/article/cities-with-universal-basic-income-guaranteed-income-programs[Please subscribe to the Heartland Daily Podcast for free on iTunes at this link.]

UN Claims We Own The Science – In The Tank, ep367

UN Claims We Own The Science – In The Tank, ep367
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