What Makes This Election Different Than 2020

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This is an excerpt from the full episode, "How Latino Voters Are Transforming Democracy (with Mike Madrid)"

Mike Madrid speaks with Michael Steele about how many Republicans are anti-Trump and why, the challenge Democrats face in effectively messaging to Latino voters and what makes this election different than 2020.

If you enjoyed this podcast, be sure to leave a review or share it with a friend!

Check out Mike Madrid's book, "The Latino Century: How America's Largest Minority Is Transforming Democracy" here: https://www.amazon.com/Latino-Century-Americas-Transforming-Democracy/dp/1668015269

Follow Mike Madrid @madrid_mike
Follow Michael @MichaelSteele
Follow the podcast @steele_podcast
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What Makes This Election Different Than 2020

Reagan's Life And Legacy (with Max Boot)
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