Webex’s Jono Luk Says: Experience Matters, in the delivery of better EX and CX, Cisco Podcast

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Webex's Jono Luk Says: Experience Matters, in the delivery of better EX and CX, AI—should serve the human component of work...

"Experience matters...," says Jono Luk, Vice President Of Product Management, Webex Contact Center, Webex by Cisco. In this podcast recorded live Enterprise Connect EC24, Jono outlines a broad-based vision to help the enterprise step up EX and CX. Cisco is unveiling general availability of the all-new Webex  Customer Experience Essentials for customer-facing employees who are not traditional contact center agents. Cisco is also announcing new innovations in the Cisco AI Assistant for Webex Contact Center, quality management functionality and CRM integrations.

AI—should serve the human component of work...

In this podcast we also discuss the role of AI in the service of helping people work. From a related Cisco blog (read below): "That is why, experience matters. Any tech—even #AI—should serve the human component of work. It should work quietly and transparently in the background, making things easier, better, and faster. Our entire  Collaboration portfolio is designed with that goal in mind: to deliver unrivaled experiences for customers and employees."

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Webex's Jono Luk Says Experience Matters


Previously Published... Cisco Blog on AI

Experience Matters: The Role of AI for Customer and Employee Experiences

We are in the middle of a major technological transformation that promises to change how we work and collaborate. We’re already seeing the benefits that AI can bring, but in an AI-first world, human interactions – experiences – matter more than ever.

Experiences, connections, interactions—these are at the heart of collaboration. Things like real-time discussions, sharing of ideas, and brainstorming are the moments when teams make progress and real work gets done. Your customers want to engage in different ways, too. The difference between satisfied and unsatisfied customers is your ability to connect with them. And the bar for using AI in customer experiences is high—it must make human interactions better.

That is why experience matters. Any tech—even AI—should serve the human component of work. It should work quietly and transparently in the background, making things easier, better, and faster. Our entire Collaboration portfolio is designed with that goal in mind: to deliver unrivaled experiences for customers and employees.

Customer Experiences

The bar has never been higher for what it takes to deliver a great customer experience. Customers expect a personalized experience that is accessible through their familiar channels of communication. That’s why we built a world-class contact center platform with support for a wide array of digital channels in addition to voice.

Webex Contact Center is built on the same platform as the Webex Suite, which means we can scale innovations across workloads, including AI. We believe that AI will have a profound effect on customer experiences—the future of customer experience will be intelligent.

The AI Assistant for Webex Contact Center is a key part of our self-learning contact center. We have brought industry-leading AI capabilities to all the places that matter, empowering agents and customers alike. Innovations like topic analytics and automatic customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores, now available in beta, intelligently analyze large amounts of data to improve agent performance and maximize customer satisfaction.

The same audio and language intelligence capabilities powering meeting, message, and call summaries in Webex also enable virtual agent and dropped call conversation summaries, which will be available in beta later this year. And AI-powered suggested responses, agent coaching highlights, and wrap-up summaries are also expected to be available in beta later this year.

We are also introducing new workforce optimization quality management ...

Webex’s Jono Luk Says: Experience Matters, in the delivery of better EX and CX, Cisco Podcast

Webex’s Jono Luk Says: Experience Matters, in the delivery of better EX and CX, Cisco Podcast
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