Ultratec doing the right thing, the right way, ASCDI Special Podcast

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“We've been refurbishing and reusing hard drives since 1996,” says Ross Gentle of Ultratec. “When we found out we could work with the Turing Trust donating some hard drives, it was a complete and utter win-win as far as we were concerned.”

Ultratec, a U.K. based specialist refurbisher and repairer of Hard Drives and SSDs, is in the business of doing the right thing: every hard drive that can be restored to active use, is another device that’s not in a landfill. Recently, the ASCDI member company, made another good choice. They donated five hundred drives to the Turing Trust. The donation helped the Turing Trust in its work, while Ultratec took steps to make sure the drives were properly wiped of previous data, protecting customers. The entire process protects the earth from the issue of improper disposal of IT equipment, and drives themselves, as we learn in this podcast, are now helping people achieve new goals.

In this podcast, Noah van der Linde of the Turing Trust offers a brief presentation of his organization’s work in helping everyone share in the benefits of the digital revolution. We learn how donations, such as the one Ultratec made, can help people, and even entire communities, gain needed equipment for new uses, such as education.

Ultratec is part of a long standing ASCDI tradition, dating back to the early days of commercial grade computing, of companies giving back to communities near them and around the world. The ASCDI- The ITAD Association is a non-profit. In a related statement, Joe Marion, ASCDI President, said that the Ultratec donation demonstrates, ESG- Environmental Social Governance, in motion. “Choosing Ultratec and other ASCDI Members is their safest route to ESG because ASCDI covers the E & S in ESG.”

The Turing Trust

“Founded by Alan Turing’s family, The Turing Trust seeks to continue his legacy by using technology to empower disadvantaged communities. Alan is widely regarded as the father of modern computing, and he saw IT as a tool for solving immense challenges. He also had a passion for helping others: he funded one member of his foster family to work in Africa and sponsored a Jewish refugee’s schooling during World War II. In honor of Alan Turing’s altruistic spirit, we refurbish IT equipment, install a range of educational software and provide it to those who need it most. In the last 13 years we have enabled access to computers for over 169,000 students across Africa, Asia, and the UK. With your help and a great deal of hard work, we believe that one day every child will be able to enjoy the transformative power of technology that Alan envisioned.” - James Turing, Founder of the Turing Trust.


Founded in 1996, it is a specialist refurbisher and repairer of Hard Drives and SSDs. Globally, it supplies between 600K and 1M drives per year, with over 250,000 drives currently in stock.  Ultratest uses the industry-leading Genesis Solution to ensure that all devices are fully Data Sanitized, in accordance with Industry Standards: NIST 88-800, and are returned to Grade A peak performance.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ultratec/

Website: www.ultratec.co.uk

Ultratest Solutions

Created in 2018, Ultratest was built on the knowledge gained by Ultratec over 20+ years of buying/selling and refurbishing Hard Drives and SSDs. Ultratest has developed the industry-leading Genesis Solution, a blend of hardware and software that not only Erases Data but can also repair and refurbish devices to return them to a Grade A full-health status.  Ultratest has also designed the Nemesis, a revolutionary solution for the Data Erasure or Networking Equipment, such as Switches, Routers, Firewalls and Access-Points.  Products that are regularly overlooked when it comes to data sanitization.  The solution also ensured that the product licensing remains intact so that the asset value is retained.

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/ultratest-solutions-ltd

Ultratec doing the right thing, the right way, ASCDI Special Podcast

Ultratec doing the right thing, the right way, ASCDI Special Podcast
Release Date
