Killing Me Softly With Your A.G.E.s; Advanced Glycation End Products in Pet Food- Dr. David Turner

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Dr. David P. Turner, a dedicated researcher at the Massey Cancer Center, is passionate about dogs and their well-being.
Specializing in Cancer Prevention and Control research, Dr. Turner focuses on the adverse connections between advanced glycation end products (A.G.E.s) and human health.
A.G.E.s, harmful oxidative compounds prevalent in processed and high-temperature-cooked foods, play a significant role in chronic diseases. In collaboration with his wife, Dr. Victoria Findlay, co-leader of the Cancer Prevention and Control research program, Dr. Turner co-founded the Anti-A.G.E. Foundation, a non-profit organization raising awareness about the health impact of processed foods.
Driven by his extensive research on A.G.E.s' effects on human health, Dr. Turner shifted his focus to canine and feline companions.
With the heavy consumption of processed foods by dogs and cats (by no choice of their own), which are often higher in A.G.E. content than human foods, he decided to investigate the potential harm these foods may cause to our pets’ health and lifespan.

To learn more about the Anti A.G.E. research in pet foods please go to:

To contribute to Anti-A.G.E.s foundation research please go to: and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see a DONATE button – Click and help 

Are you interested in being a changemaker in the pet food community?
Join us at the Coalition for Healthy Pet food – Email me at with how you think you can contribute - and I will keep you updated with our next steps and the team member information. Please don’t think you need to have a PHD in nutrition or an email list of a million – no task is too small, and we are grateful to everyone that wants to step forward to help us build this important community.

To watch Dr. David Turner’s TEDx talk:

Killing Me Softly With Your A.G.E.s; Advanced Glycation End Products in Pet Food- Dr. David Turner

Killing Me Softly With Your A.G.E.s; Advanced Glycation End Products in Pet Food- Dr. David Turner
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