Critical Seconds: Navigating Pet Emergencies at Home & Your Pet Business

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You take your pet to doggy daycare or the groomer, or you've hired a dog walker or a pet sitter...are the staff at these facilities equipped to handle any of these potential emergencies? Are you?
Bites and Scratches: Dogs may engage in play that involves nipping, biting, or scratching, leading to minor injuries. While most of these are part of normal play behavior, they can sometimes escalate.
Sprains and Strains, Falls: Running, jumping, and rough play can lead to strains or sprains in dogs, particularly if they are older or have pre-existing conditions.
Overexertion: Dogs, especially those with high energy levels, may overexert themselves during play, leading to exhaustion and related issues.
Fights or Aggressive Interactions: Not all dogs get along, and conflicts can arise, resulting in fights or aggressive encounters.
Pad Abrasions: Running and playing on hard surfaces can cause abrasions to a dog's paw pads.
Foreign Object Ingestion: Dogs may occasionally pick up and swallow small items, toys, or pieces of material during play.
Dehydration: Pets may become dehydrated, especially if they are active and there is insufficient access to water, are fed dry foods, or are stressed due to conditions you may not even be aware of until it becomes emergent.
Stress-Related Issues: Some dogs may experience stress or anxiety in a group setting, leading to various health issues like bloat, seizures, or aggression.
Cuts and Abrasions: Accidental nicks or cuts can happen during the grooming process they use sharp tools such as scissors or clippers.
Clipper Burns: Improper use or overheating of clippers can lead to burns on a pet's skin.
Nail Trimming Accidents: Cutting a pet's nails too short can result in bleeding and pain. Some pets may also resist nail trimming, leading to accidental injuries.
Ear Injuries: Cleaning or plucking the ears can sometimes lead to accidental injuries, especially if the pet moves suddenly.
Eye Irritation or Injury: Grooming products or tools can accidentally come into contact with a pet's eyes, causing irritation or injury.
Allergic Reactions: Some pets may be allergic to grooming products, leading to skin irritation, redness, or itching. Bee stings or spider you know what to do?
Heat-Related Issues/burns: Improper use of grooming tools, such as dryers, can lead to overheating or burns on a pet's skin. Stepping on a hot manhole cover, metal grates, or hot sand or pavement.
Aggressive Behavior: In some cases, pets may exhibit aggressive behavior during grooming, leading to potential injuries to the groomer or the pet itself.
Pre-existing Health Conditions: Groomers may accidentally exacerbate pre-existing health conditions in pets, especially if they are not aware of the pet's medical history.
How about you? Are you prepared to handle emergencies, like choking, a snake bite, an allergic reaction from a bee sting, cardiac arrest, smoke inhalation, or consumption of something poisonous???? Do you think you know what to do? Do you think your groomers or pet care facilities are equipped with the knowledge to handle emergencies....?
Bertha Villanueva-Shertzer, The Pet Medic and Aloha Dog Mom, talks about Pet emergencies in episode # 105. This may be one of the most important episodes you listen to.
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Critical Seconds: Navigating Pet Emergencies at Home & Your Pet Business

Critical Seconds: Navigating Pet Emergencies at Home & Your Pet Business
Release Date
