STPR 010 – Asylum (S1E11)

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RebingeIt Brings You: Star Trek Prodigy S1E11 Asylum

Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Star Trek Prodigy Season 1 Episode 11: Asylum. Season 1 continues in this action-packed episode where the crew seeks asylum on a remote Starfleet Comm Station manned by a single officer. You know this isn't going to be as easy as our crew hopes.


In this week's episode, the Protostar approaches a deep space communication relay station named CR-721. The lone crew person Lt Jr Grade Barniss Frex is very friendly until he scans the Protostar and the Diviner's secret weapon kicks into overdrive. Now the crew must scramble just to survive as the station begins to tear itself apart.

No Caitian to save in this episode, but plenty of Janeway (real and holo) and even a little nod to the Voyager theme song for the geeks (like us).

Our Kid Correspondent

If you haven't heard our 7-year old correspondent Maahi (from our previous episodes), then this is the time to tune in. She is here to give her thoughts on this episode and Trek in general!

What's this rebinge thing?

Normally it's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about....but now we're bringing you something new! Prodigy is our first dive into podcasting new Trek. Come along for the ride!

Next time...

Come back next week for S1E12: Let Sleeping Borg Lie. You can also check out the previous episode S1E10 A Moral Star, Part 2!

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STPR 010 – Asylum (S1E11)

STPR 010 – Asylum (S1E11)
Release Date
