Why the Bowie grant is so exciting!  Our second collaborative grant! #s10e69

Release Date:

First grant: You can learn more about the Courtney grant in episode 66? #s10e66  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eVw6Oc_V_Y (Like these and subscribe to our YouTube channel).
Second grant: Here is the press release and social media on the Bowie grant.
 - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cureSYNGAP1/posts/356581543313514 
 - Twitter:  https://twitter.com/curesyngap1/status/1552642957546700800
 - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6958432905563955200 
 - Press Release: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/960181 
    1. We have LOTS of requests for support, many are good. So you should join us in supporting this one.
    2. This is exciting - Quality and Focused - We said yes.
The Bowie Grant story.  Excellent and committed to SYNGAP1.  Can’t help but like the guy.
Key words from press release:
Prof. Bowie believes that by correcting targets downstream of these synapses, a specific combination therapy can result in a common improvement of the ID phenotype. This grant will support his lab in investigating the efficacy of this therapy via SYNGAP1 mouse models…to test our idea of using a small molecule approach to target the molecular pathways giving rise to intellectual disability. I am excited to see what new insights this research will uncover.
    3. Global Collaboration - Overcome and Campdraft/SRF-Australia
Tax deductible Donations in TWO Countries for this grant:
    - US syngap.fund/bowie
    - CANADA syngap.fund/overcome
    4. Reminder: Infrastructure is huge and it’s here for you.
Don’t take for granted the work that is required to give you opportunities to fund.  Diligence, Grants to leading researchers, Webpages, Tax receipts, funds flowing directly to well governed organizations.  It’s here for you, fund the work!
- BOWIE/ID in US syngap.fund/bowie
- BOWIE/ID in CANADA syngap.fund/overcome
- MICE: Help us Make 2!  https://syngap.fund/2mice
- BIRTHDAYS: https://www.facebook.com/cureSYNGAP1/fundraisers 
- 6 Weeks: September 12-14 in San Diego https://globalgenes.org/event/rare-patient-advocacy-summit/ 
- 10 Weeks: October 8 in NJ - Caren Leib Gala https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/get-involved/- fundraising/caren-leib-gala
- 10 Weeks: October 8 in SC - Scramble for SYNGAP https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/get-involved/fundraising/scramble-for-syngap
- 11 Weeks: October 12-15 in OH - Child Neurology Society https://www.childneurologysociety.org/colleagues/network/cns-annual-meeting/ 
- 15 Weeks: November 12 in GA - Sparks of Hope Gala https://syngap.fund/soiree
- 15 Weeks: November 14-15 in MA - PMC summit titled Personalized Medicine & the Patient
- 18 Weeks: December 1 & 2 in TN - Syngap Science Meeting - https://syngap.fund/treat
This is a podcast: subscribe to and rate this 10 minute #podcast #SYNGAP10 here https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/syngap10-podcast 
Apple podcasts: https://syngap.fund/10a 
Episode 69 of #Syngap10 - July 29, 2022 
#Bowie #McGill #IntellectualDisability #overcomesyngap1 #CareAboutRare #Syngap #epilepsy #autism #intellectualdisability #id #anxiety #raredisease #epilepsyawareness #autismawareness #rarediseaseresearch #SynGAPResearchFund #CareAboutRare #PatientAdvocacy #GCchat #Neurology #GlobalCollaboration 

Why the Bowie grant is so exciting!  Our second collaborative grant! #s10e69

Why the Bowie grant is so exciting!  Our second collaborative grant! #s10e69
Release Date
