Over the break: Studies to do, Research & Press to read, Funds to raise, Resources to update, Resolve to Volunteer  #S10e128

Release Date:

Over the break: Studies to do, Research & Press to read, Funds to raise, Resources to update, Resolve to Volunteer  #S10e128
A few studies to make sure you are in over the holidays!  One brand new!
NEW!!! GLOBAL -  Every english speaking caregiver on earth: Rochester survey, 15 minutes, online. https://redcap.link/NDDCaregiverSurvey
GLOBAL - Multiple Languages - #SRFunded - Every caregiver of a patient 17 years or older: Andrade Adult Surveys. Ilakkiah.Chandran@uhn.ca
GLOBAL - #SRFunded. Every english speaking caregiver on earth: Tom Frazier, eye tracking study, at home, 20 minutes every 3 months for a year. KHuba@jcu.edu
USA: https://ciitizen.com/syngap1/srf/ as always!  This data is critical and being used by multiple partners. Sign up/refresh!
USA, East of the mountains: ENDD@chop.edu free natural history study!  #S10e105 https://youtu.be/qy5YrPIlH0I?si=4sl_IaLCA7YA6WpM West of the mountains, we are setting up at Stanford and Colorado.  Please get in there ASAP.
Texas: QEEG at Cook Childrens.  Email Corey.
All studies are on https://curesyngap1.org/studies/ 
Research Matters:
Severe behavior problems in SYNGAP1-related disorder: A summary of 11 consecutive patients in a tertiary care specialty clinic - Free download until 2.1.24 1 with this link! https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1iFXZ5Qt1G-z5i - Webinar with 1st Author Ben Thomas coming in 2024!
43 Papers on Pubmed to date! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=syngap1&filter=years.2023-2023&sort=pubdate 

Fundraising - Let’s get to $2M!
Give Up Your Cup - https://Syngap.Fund/GUYC23
Hope for Harper is a great success - Thank you Justin and Ashley https://syngap.fund/harper 

Reminder on resources:
Resources for Newly Diagnosed Families - https://curesyngap1.org/syngap1-resources-for-newly-diagnosed-families/
Tell your Warrior Story - Deanna@curesyngap1.org
Volunteer - https://curesyngap1.org/volunteer-with-srf/
New Sibling Page - https://curesyngap1.org/syngap-siblings/

Great Press Lately -
Suzanne! https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/12/21/georgia-parents-raising-awareness-their-daughters-rare-genetic-disorder/
Exciting! https://www.thetransmitter.org/spectrum/syngap1-findings-illuminate-links-between-mutations-intellectual-disability/
More on Organoids… https://news.wisc.edu/stem-cell-technology-developed-at-uw-madison-leads-to-new-understanding-of-autism-risks/
Chicagoland… https://phys.org/news/2023-11-approaches-gene-insufficiency.html 

Pods to catch up on!
Cafe Syngap1 Episode 7 is live!
The Juggle is Real
Episode 211 of Once Upon A Gene (also seen in episode 41 and 94!) https://effieparks.com/podcast/episode-211-the-juggle-is-real 
Give all three of our podcasts 5 stars everywhere.  
This is a podcast subscribe!

Episode 128 of #Syngap10 - December 22, 2023
#epilepsy #autism #intellectualdisability #id #anxiety #raredisease #epilepsyawareness #autismawareness #rarediseaseresearch #SynGAPResearchFund #CareAboutRare #PatientAdvocacy #GCchat #Neurology #GeneChat

Over the break: Studies to do, Research & Press to read, Funds to raise, Resources to update, Resolve to Volunteer  #S10e128

Over the break: Studies to do, Research & Press to read, Funds to raise, Resources to update, Resolve to Volunteer  #S10e128
Release Date
