342. The Knowledge to Action Gap

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I had a conversation with a group of clients recently about hitting big goals and what it really takes to achieve them. It got me thinking about the gap between what we know and what we actually do in our businesses.
Here are my key takeaways from this episode:

We often look for new strategies and silver bullets, but the foundational strategies remain the same. If we implement them consistently, we'll see more success.

Many of us sit comfortably (and uncomfortably) in the knowledge-action gap, telling ourselves we don't know enough or need more time. But the real issue is often a lack of implementation.

Constantly comparing ourselves to others and thinking they have a secret sauce is a trap. The answer lies in completing the work and implementing what we already know.

If you've been in business for a while, you likely have the knowledge you need. It's about going back, finishing what you started, and being an implementer.

So, my challenge to you is to reflect honestly on your own knowledge-action gap. Are you in a procrastination habit that keeps you stuck? Have you made investments in your business that you haven't fully utilised?
Remember, we're not emotional toddlers - we're CEOs. It's up to us to show up, get the help we need, and do everything we can to achieve the success we want.
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342. The Knowledge to Action Gap

342. The Knowledge to Action Gap
Release Date
