339. Creating higher value thinking

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 Today, I want to dive into a topic that I absolutely love talking about - creating higher level thinking. This is something I discuss with my Amplify Mastermind clients and it's all about pushing yourself to think bigger, develop unique thought leadership, and come up with your own concepts and ideas that challenge your clients' thinking.
If you've been in business for a while and want to be seen as a leader in your industry, it's crucial to keep evolving your thinking and how you talk about what you do. Constantly learning and growing is key to differentiating yourself and standing out from the crowd.
We're chatting about:
Constantly evolving your thinking and how you talk about what you do to differentiate yourself.
Using the seven pillars of thought leadership to develop higher level thinking.
Asking yourself what you've learned and heard that's new, and how you can bring it together uniquely.
I believe that the more you create, the more you're able to create. It's like exercising a muscle - if you don't use it, it gets weaker. But if you're always curious about what you do and how you talk about it, you'll keep evolving in the market.
Episodes referred to:
EPS 67 The 7 pillars of thought leadership
CEO & Leaders Mindset
BRAND BUILDERS ACADEMY - Click here to Join now (foundational)
APPLY FOR THE AMPLIFY MASTERMIND - Click here to apply (scale)
Simple Business Buckets training - Understand what to focus on in your business https://suzchadwick.com/simple-biz-buckets-sign-up 
Masterclass - 5 powerful strategies to grow your business, brand & revenue https://suzchadwick.com/bba-masterclass-registration 
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339. Creating higher value thinking

339. Creating higher value thinking
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