338. Is comparison killing your business & joy?

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Today, I want to talk about something that's been on my mind lately - comparison-itis. You know, that feeling when you're scrolling through social media and you start comparing yourself to others? Yeah, we've all been there.
The other day, I shared a reel about money management and someone left a comment saying that they don't look at their financials because they always end up comparing themselves to others. That got me thinking about how comparison can really kill your business (and your joy).
First off, I want to say that comparing ourselves to others is totally natural, especially when we're working in the digital space. We're constantly seeing what everyone else is doing online. But here's the thing - if we don't deal with comparison quickly and intentionally, it can seriously damage our confidence and hold us back from growing our businesses.
So, what can we do about it?
We're chatting about a few things that have helped me: 
Acknowledging the comparison
Curating your space
Focusing on your own journey 
We get to choose what we consume and how we react to it. So, let's be intentional about catching those comparison thoughts and replacing them with proactive, positive ones.
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338. Is comparison killing your business & joy?

338. Is comparison killing your business & joy?
Release Date
