329. 10 Lesson from 10 years in Business

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In a compelling episode of the Brand Builders Lab Podcast, Suz shares the invaluable lessons she's learned from a decade of navigating the entrepreneurial seas.
These 10 lessons are not just narratives of success and challenges but are powerful beacons for anyone looking forward to thriving in their own business ventures. From embracing risks with enthusiasm, forging one's path to opportunity, to the pivotal importance of self-belief, these insights are both enriching and grounding.
Welcome to 10 years in business.

Take risks & leave no stone unturned when you're going after big things

You make your own opportunities, don't wait for others to give them to you. No one is coming to save you in business, you have to do that yourself

There are always people who will help you and support you, but you also have to be brave enough to ask for help when you need it. Find your inner circle who you can laugh and cry with, who will just listen & be there when you need them.

You will never be great at everything. Stick with your zone of genius, learn as much as you can and hire for your weaknesses

Grit, focus, tenacity & determination matter when times get tough. Having ups & downs in business is normal. Learn to ride the rollercoaster. Learn to bounce back fast from failure. Building a business is lined with failure and epic lessons- expect it all

Be curious & hungry to keep learning and growing, your business can grow to the extent you're willing to grow personally. Keep pushing yourself to explore new ideas and test new things, business gets pretty stale if you stand still.

Doing things even when you don't feel like it, is what separates success and failure.

Clients & friends will come and go. Value everyone, but don't live in the past and don't hold onto things that don't help you move forward.

Find space for rest, reflection and peace. Work to live (which I know so many biz owners struggle with). Your business is something you do, it's not who you are.

Back yourself - EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. Don't look for external validation, learn to find that in yourself.

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Masterclass - 5 powerful strategies to grow your business, brand & revenue https://suzchadwick.com/bba-masterclass-registration 
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329. 10 Lesson from 10 years in Business

329. 10 Lesson from 10 years in Business
Release Date
