352. Part 2 - Storytelling Movement Interview Reshare

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In part 2 of my chat with Ryan McPherson from Storytelling Movement, we talk about the nitty gritty of how I structure my days and weeks to keep my personal brand growing.
I walked through my "ideal week" - blocking off my mornings for content creation, having a CEO day each Monday, and consistently putting out valuable content to my audience. We got into the data behind where my clients come from (30% podcast, 20% social media, 30% speaking, plus referrals).
My top takeaways:

Organise your days/weeks to prioritize content creation. Block it in your calendar and treat it like an important meeting.

Look at your data to see what's already working to bring in clients. Double down on those activities.

Set big, exciting goals and make a plan to achieve them. Put it out to your audience to hold yourself accountable.

Failure is just a stepping stone to success. If something doesn't work, put on your CEO hat, assess, make changes, and keep going.

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352. Part 2 - Storytelling Movement Interview Reshare

251. BEST OF 22 Replay - 206 Stop Waiting, Be the Leader
Release Date
