Dr. Phil Zelazo: Reflection Sciences - 606

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Dr. Phil Zelazo - Reflection Sciences. This is episode 606 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Reflection Sciences is the culmination of twenty years of groundbreaking research and unwavering passion for Executive Function. Phil Zelazo, Ph.D. and Stephanie Carlson, Ph.D., researchers at the University of Minnesota and Co-founders of Reflection Sciences, spent years studying Executive Function and determining how it could be improved, and how that, in turn, could improve early childhood education. They soon realized a key component was missing: an effective way to scientifically and objectively measure Executive Function in young children. With a growing appreciation of the need for services around Executive Function, and with support from the National Institutes of Health, the Co-founders created the best measure of Executive Function available today, a direct behavioral assessment of the neurocognitive skills that are most vital to academic and life success.
After seeing the effectiveness of the assessment in their own research, Dr. Carlson and Dr. Zelazo created Reflection Sciences in 2014 to bring it to the broader educational community. Our assessment and related products are now being used around the world to accurately measure Executive Function in preschools, K-12 schools, after-school programs, Head Start programs, pediatric clinics, and research universities.
Phil Zelazo, Ph. D. is the Co-Founder of Reflection Sciences and a Nancy M. and John E. Lindahl Professor at the Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota. He was formerly a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto (1993-2007).
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Length - 57:12

Dr. Phil Zelazo: Reflection Sciences - 606

Dr. Phil Zelazo: Reflection Sciences - 606
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