Candace Candy Campbell - Facilitator, Author, Actor, Filmmaker - Creating a Work Culture that No One Wants to Leave - 658

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Candace "Candy" Campbell - Facilitator, Actor, Author, Filmmaker - Creating a Work Culture that No One Wants to Leave. This is episode 658 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Dr. Candace (Candy) Campbell, award-winning actor, author, filmmaker has good news for leaders tearing out their hair because of employee disengagement---or worse, poor employee retention! 
Her doctoral work, completed with interprofessional groups at Stanford, and subsequent books, * deal with mitigating this very issue of the cultural mis-communication issues that are at the root of the problem.
The solution?
Candy uses her 20+ years' experience as an actor/director/coach/facilitator and her 40 years in the healthcare industry to help leaders create a culture where everybody WANTS to work, and nobody wants to leave.
She co-founded an improv-comedy company in the San Francisco area and began teaching applied improvisation to businesses in the mid-90s.
She has written and produced three solo shows, including the latest, An Evening
With Florence Nightingale: A Reluctant Celebrity.
Other works include:
Improv to Improve Healthcare: A System for Creative Problem-Solving.
Improv to Improve Your Leadership Team.
Channeling Florence Nightingale: Integrity, Insight, Innovation.
Micro Premature Babies: How Low Can You Go? 
And several children’s books.
Our focus today will be on your focus of helping to create a work culture that no one wants to leave. 
Great conversation!
So much to learn!
Before you go...
You could help support this podcast by Buying Me A Coffee. Not really buying me something to drink but clicking on the link on my home page at for Buy Me a Coffee or by going to this link Buy Me a Coffee.
This would allow you to donate to help the show address the costs associated with producing the podcast from upgrading gear to the fees associated with producing the show. That would be cool. Thanks for thinking about it. 
Hey, I've got another favor...could you share the podcast with one of your friends, colleagues, and family members? Hmmm? What do you think? Thank you!
Okay, one more thing. Really just this one more thing. Could you follow the links below and listen to me being interviewed by Chris Nesi on his podcast Behind the Mic about my podcast Teaching Learning Leading K12? Click this link Behind the Mic: Teaching Learning Leading K12 to go listen.
You are AWESOME!
Thanks so much!
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Length - 01:09:13

Candace Candy Campbell - Facilitator, Author, Actor, Filmmaker - Creating a Work Culture that No One Wants to Leave - 658

Candace Candy Campbell - Facilitator, Author, Actor, Filmmaker - Creating a Work Culture that No One Wants to Leave - 658
Release Date
